Have I really not posted in exactly 5 months? My, my... I'm lazy, aren't I?
Lily, happy birthday, and what do you want for your present? Hopee you have a great day, even though you haven't read this yet, nor have you woken up (I'm assuming you're already asleep... =])
Here's a question: Why am I still awake?
I should really study for School Cert today/tomorrow. I mean, you know... a bit, at least. All I've done tonight is look up more asian dramas to watch. Does anyone know any good romantic comedies? I'm not a major fan of tragedies and those kind of series where there's a plot-twist which makes your heart wrench.
And no, I haven't watched One Litre of Tears and I don't intend to, either! (Nor do I want to watch Gokusen. I've seen a bit of it in class, and I'm afraid it doesn't spark my interest.)
...Now I can tick 'Update blog' off my to-do list. xD
And is anyone doing NaNoWriMo this year? Last year, I think I wrote about doing it? Whatever, I'm not this year. I've got too much else to do, such as study for the JLPT and my piano exam.
Oh my gosh, I'm pretty screwed for General Knowledge... D=}
...That's one hell of a cool emote.
Goodnight! (>^.^)> <(^.^<)
Type in 'Love' in Google Images and you get plenty of cool pics...