Saturday, December 10, 2011

I'm a Bad Liar

It's that time of year again where me and my friends attempt to put together some kind of arrangement for Christmas - otherwise known as Kris Kringle or Secret Santa as some people may call it.

The worst part of that is the whole 'it's a secret' kind of thing, because frankly, I suck at lying. When we first pull the names out of a hat, everyone looks at their paper and tucks it away looking all ninja-y and avoiding eye contact to not arouse suspicion (haha - arouse... ...sorry.) and then when we go off to our various classes, you see people together whispering frantically about what to buy this person and whatever.

This is how I found out that Cat has Jess, though I won't tell the whole story because I'm sure you don't care.

And that's not the point of this entry.

The point is, when someone asks me who I have, I generally can't refuse to tell them. If I do, this stupid shit-eating grin makes its way onto my face and I look absolutely stupid. Seriously, I do.

This is how Jac found out that I've got her. Since we have basically all our classes together (5/8), it's resulted in us being really close and because of that, she kept bugging me to tell her who I've got. When I kept refusing, she just kept asking and after questioning some of the others, she started to interrogate me going "Oh, you've got me, don't you?" "I know you have me, I've asked everyone else, stop denying it!" and like I've said before, the stupid smile appears on my face.

Honestly, if you ask me any question yes or no question and the answer is yes, if I'm denying it and telling you "I can't tell you" with a retarded expression on my face, I'm lying and yeah, the answer is yes.

Sigh... I fail at life. and neopets.

Whatever, I'm going to go now, though I do have more to rant on...

Because I'm cool like that.

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