Here's a list of trivia about myself I enjoy discussing... because I realise I'm very quirky indeed. Can anyone relate?
- I read fanfiction WAAAYYY too much. including Naruto, Pokemon (yes, I said POKEMON), Harry Potter, and AsianFanfics. Yes. Asian fanfics. -.-
- I almost always start off stories/conversations by saying: "You know how..." as in, "You know how yesterday, blah blah blah?" or "You know how I always say 'you know how'?"
Yup, discovered that when I was practising my Shanghainese and attempted to talk about an event with my mum and realised I didn't know how to start because I couldn't say "You know how..."
...It's just sad.
- I lack self-confidence even though I act like I'm the king of the world. And yet, there are times where I'm so up myself, I must ramble endlessly to my mum about how skilful I am at everything. Such as doing a body roll... ;)
- There are random moments where I feel incredibly responsible or whatever, as in, I suddenly feel the urge to clean my room. Or do my work. Or write a blogpost. ^^
- I get ultra-sleepy in the arvos. Around 5-7pm, meaning I'm both a night-owl AND a morning person.
- Whenever we go on camp, I'm always the one who gets out of bed first and rips the covers off other people. It's tonnes of fun. And yet, it takes me an hour to get out of bed at home...
- If I lost my iPod touch, I will probably be on the verge of a mental breakdown. Oh wait, maybe not. Correction: If the internet is gone forever and I lose all the music and notes on my iPod touch, THEN I will have a mental breakdown.
- I adore books. And pens. Traditional, FTW!
- On that note, I know how to write calligraphy. I'm not so great at Chinese callig, but I'm pretty damn good with English. I also have a wax seal-er.
- For some reason, I like the sound of "i adore you" a teeny bit more than "i love you". Maybe because I love you is said to friends and everyone, but if you went around saying I adore you, people would be... 'stay away from me you creep'
- Umm... I'm going to leave it there. It's 1:07am now... GOODNIGHT EVERYONE!!! Maybe someday I'll write up a Me Trivia pt 2?
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